Left. Rear guide bolt. Right. A Bolt used to attach the rack and pinion heat Shield to its mounting point. A threaded rod with a drive head (such as hex, 12 point, torx, etc.) on one end used to secure the Exhaust Pipe Heat Shield to it's mounting point. A threaded rod with a drive head (such as hex, 12 point, torx, etc.) on one end used to secure the Window Regulator Guide Rail to its mounting surface. A/C Compressor Bolt. Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield Bolt. Hood Scoop Bolt. Rack and Pinion Bolt. Spoiler Bolt. HEAVY HX ACORN Flange HD. /SCREW. Air Conditioning (A/C) Compressor. By - Passenger valve. Converter. Exhaust Manifold Heat. Gear Assembly. Hood Scoop. Rack and Pinion. Rack and Pinion Heat. Spoiler. Stud. Window Regulator Guide. Included with: Hood, Intake Manifold.